
Windows上でメモリダンプを取得 (FastDump Pro)

  • HBGary Responder付属のメモリダンプツール
  • 全てのバージョンのWindows(2000,XP,2003,Vista,2008,7 32bit/64bit)に対応
  • ロードするシステムDLLが少ない(kernel32.dllのみ)のが特徴
    • ダンプを取得するシステムが改竄されている可能性がある場合、比較的リスクが少ない


  • 以下オプションで実行する
    • -driverオプションをつけないとPFN0(ページフレームの最初の4kバイト)が含まれない(0パディング)場合があるので注意1)
      • PFN0を含まないダンプファイルの場合、Volatility Frameworkで実行出来ないコマンド(pslist等)がある
      • メモリダンプを取得した際は、ヘキサエディタでファイルの先頭を確認すること!!
  • 実行中に処理をキャンセルした場合、ドライバファイル(fastdumpx86.sys)が残るので削除しておくこと

C:\>FDPro.exe c:\memdump.bin -driver
-= FDPro v2.0.5.10 (c)HBGary, Inc 2008 - 2011 =-
[+] Detected OS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)
[+] Extracting x86 driver
[+] Driver extracted successfully
[+] using driver at C:\\fastdumpx86.sys
[+] CreateService success, driver installed
[+] StartService success, driver started
[+] Driver installed and running
[+] Strict Mode: Disabled
[+] Output Filesystem Type: NTFS
[+] Block Read/Write Size: 0x100000 (1024k)
[+] Full Range = 0x0 - 0x20000000 (512 MB)
[+] Alignment Boundary: 0x00000200, Increment Size: 0x00100000
[ ** Dumping from 0x0 to 0x20000000 ** ]

[+] Dump Complete! Read Total: 0x20000 - S: 0x1FFF1 - E: 0xF - F: 0x0
[+] Stopping and removing driver...
[+] ControlService success, driver stopped
[+] DeleteService success, driver removed
[+] Driver file deleted
[++] FD execution complete!! FDPro took: 119 seconds



C:\>FDPro.exe c:\memdump-porbe.bin -probe smart -driver
-= FDPro v2.0.5.10 (c)HBGary, Inc 2008 - 2011 =-
[+] Detected OS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)
[+] Extracting x86 driver
[+] Driver extracted successfully
[+] using driver at C:\\fastdumpx86.sys
[+] CreateService success, driver installed
[+] StartService success, driver started
[+] Driver installed and running
[+] Probing Process Memory: .......................
[P] Probing complete!! 23 processes took: 2 seconds
[+] Strict Mode: Disabled
[+] Output Filesystem Type: NTFS
[+] Block Read/Write Size: 0x100000 (1024k)
[+] Full Range = 0x0 - 0x20000000 (512 MB)
[+] Alignment Boundary: 0x00000200, Increment Size: 0x00100000
[ ** Dumping from 0x0 to 0x20000000 ** ]

[+] Dump Complete! Read Total: 0x20000 - S: 0x1FFF1 - E: 0xF - F: 0x0
[+] Stopping and removing driver...
[+] ControlService success, driver stopped
[+] DeleteService success, driver removed
[+] Driver file deleted
[++] FD execution complete!! FDPro took: 114 seconds

-= FDPro v2.0.5.10 (c)HBGary, Inc 2008 - 2011 =-
***** Usage Help *****

General Usage: FDPro.exe output_dumpfile_path [options] [modifiers]

FDPro supports dumping .bin and .hpak format files

To dump physical memory only to literal .bin format:
	FDPro.exe mymemdump.bin [options] [modifiers]
To dump physical memory to an .hpak formatted file:
	FDPro.exe mysysdump.hpak [options] [modifiers]

To extract a copy of a file from an NTFS volume in a forensicly sound manner:
	FDPro.exe -extract c:\deleted.jpg d:\undeleted.jpg
To use the forensic command shell (FCMD) to open a local volume:
	e:\FDPro.exe -fcmd <drive_letter>

*** Valid .bin [options] Are: ***
	-probe [all|smart|pid|help]	Pre-Dump Memory Probing

*** Valid .bin [modifiers] Are: ***
	-nodriver			Use old-style memory acquisition (XP/2k only)
	-driver				Force driver based memory acquisition
	-strict				Use Strict IO: Utilizes 4k reads and writes
	-log				Log output to disk (creates or appends to [dumpfile].log)
	-md5				Calculate MD5 hash for dumpfile

*** Valid .hpak [options] Are: ***
	-probe [all|smart|pid|help]	Pre-Dump Memory Probing
	-hpak [list|extract|help]		HPAK archive management

*** Valid .hpak [modifiers] Are: ***
	-nodriver			Use old-style memory acquisition (XP/2k only)
	-driver				Force driver based memory acquisition
	-nopage				Skip pagefile collection
	-compress			Create archive compressed
	-nocompress			Create archive uncompressed
	-strict				Use Strict IO: Utilizes 4k reads and writes
	-log				Log output to disk (creates or appends to [dumpfile].log)
	-md5				Calculate MD5 hash for memory dump only (does not hash pagefile)
forensics/memdump-fdpro.1329359400.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2012/02/16 02:30 by kikuzou
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